1973 BUCCANEERS: Row 1: R. Miller, G. Houk, R. Finfrock, R. Phillis, Coach Tisdale. Row 2: R. Kimmel, M. Apwisch, D. Ely, T. Wise, D. Boyd, Coach Thompson. Row3: D. Doseck, D. Coate, C. Smith, P. Finfrock, C. Zimmer, B. Lauber. Row 4: M. Zimmer, T. Penny, S. Burelison, D. Baker.

The first Covington wrestling team was started in 1973 under the guidance of coaches Larry Tisdale, Dean Pond and Rex Thompson. Nineteen boys went out that year and the team finished with a record of 2 wins and 1 loss.

It was a start of a wrestling tradition that has had significant success over the years, which was predicted by the coaches who started the program in a message presented in the 1973 yearbook.


Considering this is the first year we have had a wrestling team, our guys made an outstanding performance. With their weekly practices on Tuesday and Thursday after school, they managed to schedule three meets and two practice meets. After receiving their guidance from Coaches Mr. Tisdale, Mr. Pond and Mr. Thompson, they wound their season with a 2-1 record, including an exciting defeat of Tri-Village, 39-33. Proceeds from the Covington – Tri-Village match went toward a wrestling mat. From the cooperation of the facility and student body, and determination our guys have shown, we know wrestling will be a promising sport in future years at C.H.S. Good Luck!

Coach Larrie Tisdale with his wife Marjorie.