1979-80 BUCCANEERS: Front Row – Coach Jack Schwamberger, Curtis Mohler, Brian Little, Chris Rench, Darryl Platt, Ted Fields. Row 2 – Kirk Tisdale, Ben Mutzner, Bryan Reames, Travis Brannon, Don Emenneger, Dan Shoup. Top Row – Joel Brannon, Chris Falser, Ryan Kimmel, Glenn Musgrave, Steve Iddings, Richard Cromwell.

The 1979-80 wrestling team compiled a 4-5 dual meet record and an overall record of 24-34. The Buccs defeated West Liberty Salem 42-24, Jefferson 48-26, Lehman 45-21 and Kenton Ridge 33-31. The dual losses came to Mississinawa Valley 29-42, Tri-Village 26-45, Coldwater 33-36, Lehman 31-33, and West Liberty Salem 29-44.

In tournament action, the Buccaneers finished 6th at Northwestern, 7th in the Covington Duals, 5th at Milton-Union, 7th at Miami East, 5th at St. Charles and 7th in the TRC league championships. In the District Tournament, the Buccs finished 8th out of 17 teams.

Individually, Kirk Tisdale won a district championship at 145 pounds and qualified for the state tournament – becoming the second state qualifier in school history (Randy Kimmel).

Covington loses one senior to graduation, Travis Brannon.

“I would like to thank and congratulate all sixteen young men who participated in the wrestling program this year,” said coach Jack Schwamberger. “With hard work, hustle, and a little pride, this team next year could be a very good team. I just hope wrestling has helped each one of them in some way. Congratulations to Kirk Tisdale for being a state qualifier and to all who placed in the tournaments. Thinks to all for giving me 100% all the time.”

Kirk Tisdale qualified for state at 145 pounds.

Senior Travis Brannon
Coach Jack Schwamberger
Ben Mutzner controls his opponent.